顧客評價 〉評價
"具53年歷史的九龍殯儀館近年的裝修及服務態度,不旦洗去傳統悲哀肅然卻步的恐懼,也叫人感到舒適及釋懷,安心為先人盡「最後一程」的致敬。 貴館更以「亦商亦善」為服務宗旨,履行企業社會責任,關懷基層家庭,讓我們的「基層喪親家庭殯儀支援計劃」親屬友好,可有得體的殯殮儀式服務外,更撥出靈堂讓後人在祥和的氣氛向往生者作出致敬,也令他們可聚首一堂追思故人。此「生死兩相顧」的創舉,也與我們『後顧無憂』規劃服務的理念配合,予孤寡無依及基層家庭喪親者實務支援外,也撫慰他們心靈的需要。"
"When Dad passed away, it was, no doubt, a difficult time – not only because we were filled with sadness, grief and a sense of loss, but we were faced with the daunting and unfamiliar task of organising a funeral, of which we had no prior experience. We had absolutely no idea of what needed to be done and how it was to be done. We felt overwhelmed, but God sent us an Angel. One of our aunts recommended Kowloon Funeral Parlour. We were put in touch with its manager and swiftly set up a meeting with her. The manager patiently explained the process to us – what needed to be done when and how. She guided us through the process and found out what our wishes were so she could tailor the funeral for us. The service was personal and professional. They were sensitive to our needs during a vulnerable time. The manager was with us every step of the way, at the funeral and the burial, to make sure everything went smoothly and answer our last-minute questions on the day. Thank you for easing our burden in our times of grief."
"陳老太及家人十分欣賞貴公司上上下下所有同工的專業服務, 你們對先人的尊敬, 堂倌的專業, 化妝師的細心, 三樓聖光堂的寧靜和莊嚴的環境,令喪家有此優越的服務深感欣慰, 請 貴公司繼續為基督教信徒提供此優質服務。再一次謝謝貴公司為喪家所打點的一切。謝謝朱小姐細心安排協助! 願主賜福給你們!"
"... I would certainly recommend Kowloon Funeral Parlour when an occasion arises and at my parish. The gentleman who was conducting the proceeding was sympathetic and dignify in carrying out his duty at the service. Thank you for being so thoughtful and pray to the Lord to reward you for providing such good services to the deceased and to the mourners.”
"...很感謝九龍殯儀館的所有工作人員,從禮堂佈置到化妝入殮、蓋棺移送,都辦事謹慎、體貼用心,事事從心出發去助我們處理各事,好讓先人得到應有的尊嚴,也使我們這些後人感覺自在。 由選用禮堂到使用場地,由領取遺體到跟進安葬等事,處處都提供了很多有用的資料,減省了我們許多煩惱。真的十分感謝您! 願您們的團隊精神、敬業服務繼續令更多人受惠!"
…在籌備整個喪事及儀節上,不但給予本人誠懇殷切的關懷和協助,並提供一個專業、貼身和優質的服務。貴公司上下員工殷勤而專業的服務,好使整個喪事和安息禮拜得以順利進行和完成。除了本人所服待的教會及睦鄰中心的會眾外,又得各基督教會及神學院等眾多教牧同工同道出席,所得的回應乃是非常欣賞貴公司的服務,無不留下深刻印象。本人及家人亦對貴公司能夠提供如此優越的服務深感欣慰。 謹祝業務蒸蒸日上,提供的服務惠及市民,恩澤社群。